Listen to “The Little Match Girl” on Spreaker.
Once upon a time, in a snowy town on Christmas Eve, there lived a little girl named Evelyn. She was known as the Little Match Girl because she sold matches to help her family make ends meet. Despite the cold and poverty, Evelyn had a warm heart and a vivid imagination.
As the evening approached, the town lit up with festive lights, and the laughter of families filled the air. Evelyn wandered the streets, clutching her box of matches tightly to her chest, hoping to sell enough to bring home some money for her family.
But the townspeople were too busy with their own celebrations to notice the little girl. No one stopped to buy her matches, and she grew colder and more disheartened with each passing moment.
Feeling exhausted and defeated, Evelyn found a secluded alleyway to sit down for a moment. As she huddled against the cold wall, she took out a single match and struck it against the wall to keep warm. To her surprise, a small, warm glow emanated from the match, casting a soft light around her.
In the flickering light of the match, Evelyn’s imagination came to life. She saw visions of happy families sitting around a grand feast, children unwrapping presents, and laughter filling the air. It was a magical world she had only dreamed of.
But as quickly as the match ignited, it extinguished, and the visions disappeared. Evelyn felt a sense of longing and sadness, but she struck another match to bring back the warmth and the magical visions.
With each match she lit, Evelyn was transported to a different scene—a cozy hearth with crackling flames, a bustling marketplace with cheerful vendors, and a magnificent Christmas tree adorned with twinkling lights.
But as the matches burned out, so did the illusions. Evelyn realized that she couldn’t stay in the warmth of her imagination forever; she had to face the reality of her situation.
As Evelyn strikes her last match, instead of fading into the cold, she sees a vision of her grandmother. But this time, the vision doesn’t disappear. Her grandmother’s warm smile grows brighter, and suddenly, the coldness around Evelyn starts to melt away.
Evelyn didn’t know that one of the townspeople had seen her sitting in the alley. A kind woman, with a soft heart, noticed the little girl sitting alone and had hurried to bring her food and a warm blanket. As Evelyn’s match glows its brightest, the woman reaches her, wrapping her in the warmth of the blanket just as the final match flickers out.
Evelyn opens her eyes to find herself in the woman’s arms. She’s no longer alone. The woman, seeing Evelyn’s need, decides to take her home, offering her food, warmth, and a place to stay.
Soon, the word spreads through the town about the Little Match Girl’s misfortune, and the people who had ignored her before come together. They donate food, clothes, and money to help her family, ensuring they no longer have to suffer through the harsh winter. The community realizes that they need to take better care of each other, especially during Christmas, when kindness and compassion are most important.
Evelyn’s family is overjoyed, and her mother hugs her tightly, grateful for the kindness of the townspeople. Evelyn, no longer cold or hungry, finds warmth in her new home. And though she had always dreamed of a magical world, she discovers that magic can come in the form of human kindness and love.
From then on, the people of the town made sure to never let anyone suffer alone again, and every Christmas Eve, they remembered how the Little Match Girl brought the town together.
The end!
Follow-up Questions:
Why did Evelyn need to sell matches on Christmas Eve?
This question helps kids recall the reason behind Evelyn’s actions and her family’s situation.
What did Evelyn see when she lit the matches?
This question encourages children to remember the visions Evelyn saw and the role of her imagination.
How did Evelyn feel when she saw the vision of her grandmother?
This question prompts kids to think about the emotional impact of the vision on Evelyn and the theme of love in the story.
Touching story for a kid to read
Story started of nicely but then the lifeless body part was enough to leave any kid in shock, this is not the best bedtime story for someone to read, unless you want to scar ur children.
Thank you for your feedback! We’ve updated the ending to make it more suitable for kids
This story sends a very important message to all of the people who are reading this story. The message is never to leave anyone alone, especially on Christmas. It also tells us to be kind and respectful. We should all follow this piece of writing’s message. As I told you earlier, kindness and respectfulness are very important parts of our behaviour.