• Reading time:4 mins read
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Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there were three brothers who set out on a journey to become rich. The eldest brother, Hans, was strong and brave. The middle brother, Fritz, was smart and quick-thinking. The youngest brother, Karl, was kind and thoughtful, but his older brothers often ignored him.

One day, as they traveled through a thick forest, they came across a small house covered in moss. Outside the house stood a tiny gnome with a long white beard and a twinkle in his eye. “Hello, travelers,” said the gnome. “You look tired. Come inside and rest.”

The brothers thankfully accepted the gnome’s offer and followed him inside. The gnome gave them a hearty meal and comfortable beds. Before they went to sleep, the gnome said, “I have a task for you. Deep in this forest is a hidden treasure. Whoever finds it will be richly rewarded.”

The brothers were eager to find the treasure. The next morning, they set off in different directions, determined to be the first to discover it. Hans, with his strength, decided to move the biggest rocks and trees, thinking the treasure might be hidden underneath. Fritz, with his cleverness, looked for secret clues and hidden signs that might lead to the treasure.

Karl, however, wandered through the forest, enjoying the beauty of the trees and flowers. As he walked, he noticed a small bird trapped in a thorny bush. “Oh, you poor thing,” Karl said gently. He carefully freed the bird, which chirped happily and flew away.

Further along, Karl found a family of rabbits tangled in a hunter’s net. He quickly set them free, and they hopped away, grateful for his kindness. As he continued, Karl came across a sparkling stream and stopped to take a drink. He noticed something shiny in the water and reached in to pull it out. To his surprise, it was a golden key.

Karl remembered the gnome’s task and decided to follow the stream, thinking it might lead him to the treasure. The stream led him to a beautiful meadow filled with flowers and a large oak tree in the center. At the base of the oak tree was a small, beautifully carved chest. Karl used the golden key to unlock the chest, and inside, he found the treasure: a pile of gold coins, sparkling jewels, and a note.

The note read: “To the kindest and most thoughtful brother, you have proven that true treasure lies not in strength or cleverness, but in a kind heart.”

Karl was very happy and returned to the gnome’s house with the chest. The gnome smiled warmly. “You have found the true treasure, Karl. Your kindness and compassion have led you here.”

When Hans and Fritz returned, they were amazed to see Karl with the treasure. They realized that their youngest brother had found it not through force or trickiness, but through his kind actions. The brothers apologized for ignoring Karl and praised him for his good heart.

With the treasure, the brothers returned to their village. They used their newfound wealth to help their family and neighbors, making their village a better place for everyone. And they always remembered the lesson they learned from the gnome: that true treasure is found in kindness and a good heart.

And so, the three brothers lived happily ever after, their connection stronger than ever, and their hearts filled with the true treasure of love and kindness.

The end.


Follow-up questions:

  • What task did the gnome give the brothers?
  • How did Karl find the hidden treasure?
  • What lesson did the brothers learn at the end of the story?

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