Independence Day Poem

Independence Day

Independence Day Poem

On the Fourth of July, we cheer and play,

It's Independence Day, hip-hip-hooray!

The sky lights up with red, white, and blue,

Fireworks burst, oh what a view!

Flags wave high, so proud and bright,

Stars and stripes gleam in the night.

Families gather for a picnic treat,

Hot dogs, ice cream, all we can eat.

We remember brave heroes from long ago,

Who fought for freedom, so we could grow.

With courage and heart, they took a stand,

To build a free and happy land.

We sing songs of joy, dance with delight,

Celebrate freedom all through the night.

On this special day, we all come together,

In warm July, with sunny weather.

So let's give thanks and shout hooray,

For this wonderful Independence Day!

With family and friends, let's all unite,

And celebrate our freedom with pure delight!

The End!