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You are currently viewing The Little Bunny

Once upon a time, in a cozy burrow, lived a little bunny named Benny. Benny was full of energy during the day, hopping around and playing with his friends. But when the sun set and the stars came out, Benny felt scared – he was afraid of the dark.

Every night, when Benny’s mother tucked him in, he would shake and hide under his covers. “I don’t like the dark, Mommy,” he would say, his voice shaky.

Benny’s mother would stroke his fur and smile gently. “There’s nothing to be afraid of, Benny. The dark is just a part of the night, and it’s filled with wonderful things.”

One night, Benny’s mother had an idea. She told Benny about the “Brave Bunny Challenge,” where Benny could face his fear and find out how beautiful the dark can be. Benny liked the idea and agreed to try.

The next evening, as the sun set and darkness covered the burrow, Benny took a deep breath and stepped outside. The night air felt cool against his fur, and the stars twinkled like little lights in the sky. Benny’s heart raced, but he remembered his mother’s words – the dark was filled with wonderful things.

Benny started his adventure by counting the stars. He looked up at the sky and began to count, one by one. With each star he counted, Benny felt less afraid. He realized that the darkness wasn’t so scary after all; it was like a cozy blanket that wrapped around the world.

As Benny continued his walk, he heard the soft hoot of an owl in the distance. He looked around and saw a pair of glowing eyes staring back at him. It was a friendly owl named Oliver.

“Hello, Benny,” Oliver hooted. “Don’t be afraid of the dark. There’s so much to discover and enjoy.”

Benny smiled at Oliver and thanked him for the encouragement. Together, they hopped through the meadow, watching the fireflies light up the night with their gentle glow.

As the night went on, Benny’s fear turned into curiosity and excitement. He discovered that the dark was a place for the moon’s silvery light and a playground for night animals like bats and crickets.

When Benny finally returned to his burrow, he felt proud. He had faced his fear and realized that the dark wasn’t something to be afraid of – it was a part of nature’s beauty.

Benny’s mother hugged him tightly. “You were so brave, Benny! How do you feel about the dark now?”

Benny grinned and said, “I’m not afraid anymore, Mommy. The dark is just another adventure waiting to be explored!”

From that night on, Benny loved the dark. He no longer hid under his covers; instead, he would gaze at the stars and listen to the night’s gentle sounds.

The end.

Follow-up Questions:

  • Why was Benny afraid of the dark at the beginning of the story?
  • What did Benny discover about the dark when he counted the stars and explored outside?
  • How did Benny’s feelings about the dark change by the end of the story?

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Madyson

    Question number two is that Benny discovered that there is nothing to be afraid of in the dark there is so much light .

    And number 3 is that he was afraid of the dark at first but when he went to explore it he realized that there’s nothing to be afraid of

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