• Reading time:2 mins read
You are currently viewing Rapunzel </p>for a 4-Year-Old


Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Rapunzel. She lived in a tall, tall tower with no door, just one window at the very top. A mean witch kept her there and wouldn’t let her go outside to play.

Rapunzel had very, very long hair. It was golden and shiny, like the sun. The witch would climb up to the tower by saying, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” And Rapunzel would let her long hair fall out of the window so the witch could climb up.

One day, a prince was walking by the tower. He heard Rapunzel singing a sweet song. Her voice was so pretty that the prince wanted to see her. He hid and watched the witch call out, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” The prince saw the witch climb up Rapunzel’s hair and got an idea.

The next day, after the witch left, the prince went to the tower and said, “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair!” Rapunzel thought it was the witch, so she let her hair down, and the prince climbed up to see her.

Rapunzel was surprised to see the prince but happy to have a friend. They talked and laughed. The prince told Rapunzel he would help her escape from the tower.

The next day, when the witch came back, she found out what had happened and got very mad. But Rapunzel and the prince were brave! The prince helped Rapunzel escape from the tower. They ran far away to a beautiful place where Rapunzel was free.

And they lived happily ever after, laughing and playing in the sunshine every day.

The end!


Follow-up questions:

  • What did Rapunzel use to help people climb up the tower?
  • Who helped Rapunzel escape from the tall tower?
  • How do you think Rapunzel felt when she was finally free?

Rapunzel by Age

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