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Riddles for 4-Year-Olds

20 Fun Riddles for 4-Year-Olds

1. I'm big and round, I light up the sky. I come out at night, but I’m not shy. What am I??


2. What is orange and sounds like a parrot?

A carrot!

3. What goes woof, has four legs, and loves to play fetch?

A dog!

4. What has four wheels and goes beep beep?

A car!

5. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

A clock!

6. What has stripes and roars?

A tiger!

7. What has a trunk but is not a car?

An elephant!

8. What has wings and can fly, but is not a plane?

A bird!

9. What do you sleep on at night?

A bed!

10. What do you wear on your feet that helps you walk?


11. What’s white and falls from the sky in winter?


12. What has big teeth and lives in the water?

A crocodile!

13. What goes quack and swims in a pond?

A duck!

14. What has a long neck and lives on a farm?

A goose!

15. What’s yellow and shines bright in the sky?

The sun!

16. What goes up and down but never moves?

A staircase!

17. What’s green, hops, and says “ribbit”?

A frog!

18. What is sweet and made by bees?


19. What do you eat that is green and looks like a tree?


20. What is round and can roll but is not alive?

A ball!

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