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Once upon a time, in a small house on the edge of a village, lived an old man with his son, daughter-in-law, and his dear grandson, Peter. The old man was very old and weak, with shaking hands and weak eyes, but he loved his family very much, especially Peter.

As the old man grew older, it became harder for him to eat without making a mess. He would often spill his food and drink, and sometimes, the daughter-in-law would get very upset with him. “Why can’t you be more careful?” she would say angrily. “You’re making such a mess!”

One evening, during dinner, the old man accidentally dropped his bowl of soup. It shattered into pieces, spilling the soup all over the table. The daughter-in-law was very angry and decided that the old man should eat alone at a small table in the corner.

From that day on, the old man ate his meals alone at the small table, with only a wooden bowl and spoon. He felt very sad and lonely, but he didn’t want to make any more trouble for his family.

Little Peter watched all of this quietly. He loved his grandfather and felt bad seeing him treated this way. One day, Peter decided to do something. He went to the garden and started carving a small wooden bowl. His father saw him and asked, “Peter, what are you making?”

“I’m making a wooden bowl for you and Mommy to eat from when you get old,” Peter replied innocently.

Peter’s father was surprised by his son’s words. He understood how unkind they had been to the old man. Peter’s words made him think about how he would want to be treated when he grew old.

That evening, Peter’s father spoke to his wife. “We have been wrong in treating my father so poorly. We should show him kindness and respect, just as we hope Peter will do for us when we are old.”

The daughter-in-law felt sorry for her behavior. They both agreed to bring the old man back to the family table. The next day, they invited the old man to sit with them for dinner. They gave him a comfortable seat and served him food with love and care.

The old man was very happy to be back with his family, and though his hands still shook, he felt happier and more relaxed. Peter smiled brightly, happy to see his grandfather treated kindly again.

From that day forward, the family made sure to show patience and kindness to the old man. They realized that love and respect were the most important things in their home. And Peter learned an important lesson about kindness and caring for those who are older.

And so, the old man, his son, daughter-in-law, and little Peter lived together happily, treating each other with love and respect, understanding that every member of the family is important.

The end.


Follow-up questions:

  • Why did the old man have to eat at a small table in the corner?
  • What did Peter make in the garden, and why?
  • How did the family change after Peter’s father talked to his wife?

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Yash

    The old man eat food on small table in corner because he spills

  2. Mayang

    Aww This story makes me cry ♥️😥

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